GET List all prioritizations
Lists all the prioritizations owned by the authenticated user.
Resource URL:{auth}/prioritization/list
Data returned
If the request has executed with success, it will return the following data:
- PrioID - Prioritization ID, integer value
- PrioTitle - Prioritization title, string
- PrioDetails - Prioritization details, string
- RateAlternatives - how alternatives are being compared, integer
- IsLocked - if 0, prioritization can be edited, if 1 it is locked for editing
- Stopped - if 0, data can still be collected, if 1 data collect stopped
- DateCreated - date when prioritization has been created, string, YYYY-mm-dd HH:ii:ss format
Example request
Example response:
{ "Status": "success", "Data": { "1": { "PrioID": "50", "PrioTitle": "Prioritization Project Portfolio", "PrioDetails": "Details about the prioritization", "RateAlternatives": "0", "IsLocked": "1", "Stopped": "1", "CreatedDate": "2016-10-06 12:47:10" } } }